Hope you will all be there. Also, if you submitted a question to be asked at tonight's meeting, it is hopefuly on the agenda. If not, please note Ms. Berg's explanation of the goal of these meetings (the underlined emphasis below is mine):
"Interestingly, Superintendent McHenry initially set up these six community meetings to be an open format, with parents bringing their questions and concerns to the session. In meeting with his Parent Advisory Counsel (a group of reps from District schools that meets with him once a month), the parents strongly encouraged him to let parents suggest topics ahead of time. Knowing what was on the agenda, they reasoned, would make them more interested in attending. Even with topics suggested beforehand, participants at the meetings are able to bring up any topic they wish."
Also, for future meetings, please note the following information from Linda Mayo, MDUSD School Board Member who did write today:
"Questions and suggestions for the meetings may be directed to parent leaders at the schools or to Superintendent Gary McHenry (925-682-8000, x4009;(mchenryg@mdusd.k12.ca.us), Associate Superintendent-Educational Services Alan Young (younga@mdusd.k12.ca.us), or Assistant Superintendent-Elementary Education Roger Bylund (bylundr@mdusd.k12.ca.us). Information gathered at these sessions will help in the District's continuing efforts to improve education programs and services for students."
We look forward to hearing your feedback after the meeting tonight.
thanks for posting the agenda. i will be there tonight.