Monday, May 19, 2008

Did you sign the petition yet??

Did you sign the petition yet? ONLINE or a hard copy version? DOWNLOAD HERE

Well, here's your chance to talk about it, get the word out and to tell others why they should sign it:

Denisen Hartlove, a reporter from The Concordian newspaper, is looking for information on the Petition to oust Superintendent McHenry. She's hoping to hear from someone who's signed the petition and is willing to speak publicly about same for an article. Denisen can be reached at 925-408-7901 or at, and thanks anyone who contacts her in advance.


  1. For those of you who do not know The Concordian you WILL! The paper is direct mailed to every Concord home starting June 1. You can see the online version HERE and follow the news for CONCORD ONLY.


  2. Anyone up for going down to the kids fest in Concord tomorrow or Monday and getting some signatures for the petition?
