Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Board Meeting Running Late ?

Hi all, are you at home listening for the board meeting like I am? Its 8:00pm and it seems they are running behind in their closed door session? Must be a good one! I called KVHS to be sure it wasn't a technical difficulty but they are standing by. GOOD JOB KVHS!

That means its not too late to listen in if you're just getting here:


Update: Well, its 8:45pm... still no meeting on KVHS... maybe I'm the only one listening ... :)

(will probably have to see how it ends up in the morning!)
Having a little extra time on my hands this evening, I added a new widget to the side bar over there ------> to show some recent comments. Hope you find it useful. Its especially nice when folks comment on older posts, it keeps the conversation going.


  1. No, I'm listening too. I'm wondering if Sue Berg conveniently forgot to turn on the button. Given what happened after the Superintendents comments at the last meeting. It seems pretty strange that it isn't on.

  2. I am listening also. Maybe it is a juicy closed door session. I am imagining that McHenry is tendering his resignation right now...oh to dream!

  3. Funny 8:28.. but I'd assume that'd be a public matter :) I think Paul and Gary would make sure we heard that one ...

  4. I don't think I can listen to this music much more!

  5. Carissa, LOL... I know I was young once... but... well... nevermind :) Those students do a FAB job though!

  6. WHAT IS UP? I was looking forward to hearing this one after the last... I sure wished I'd gone now! This blog needs a designated attendee to text back what is going on. At least we'd know if they are in closed session or if the Dent Center flooded and they evacuated or what. Maybe this is normal. Or maybe, like someone said, Sue B forgot to push ON.

  7. Believe it or not, I just called the Dent Center and the man who answered the phone said he had no idea that the meeting wasn't being broadcast, so he said he will find out why!

    Good Lord!

  8. Oh... like that's an accident. I guess maybe they're not used to people paying attention yet. I think we'll have audio tomorrow on the http://mdusd.blogspot.com site for anything we've missed.

  9. If it doesn't come on soon, we should all call 682-8000 and dial "O" when the phone is answered and all of us complain.

  10. They are saying KVHS is down... but when I talked to KVHS they weren't down... I'll call KVHS again.

  11. Ok, called KVHS. No answer. Maybe they're trying to fix problem.. either way.. I know KVHS will do their best. Guess we'll get an update in the morning.

  12. I don't think it is a mistake, but I think they'll definitely come up with a good excuse.

  13. Hopefully the MDUSD site will have audio tomorrow and a recap. (YAWN) going to bed now.

  14. Fishy! I'm sure there will be a podcast. I have a reporter there so will post the details tomorrow. Meantime, remember the teacher appreciation shirt? MisterWriterLives

  15. I don't think there is a conspiracy here. As a result of my insistence on getting a clean signal to record the podcast, the district realized we needed a new amplifier. This was the first board meeting with the new amplifier and by the time it was realized that the button to activate the feed to the station had not been pushed, the students were gone from the station. In related bad news, I tried to use a new clean feed for my recorder and my recorder picked up nothing, so right now I don't have a recording. I am hopeful that the district's recording came out and I plan to pick it up tomorrow and get it on the podcast as soon as possible. I will let you know what I find out tomorrow.

  16. Good news - I have the audio from last night and it is very clear. It is in the process of uploading and I will have a link posted shortly.


  17. thanks Paul. It sounds like it was rather uneventful as I haven't seen any particular recaps of the meeting other than in the Times. Congratulations though to the teachers that were honored at the meeting, and teachers everywhere.
