Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"I won't be resigning . . . "

Despite several speakers relating stories of a district in severe distress, impassioned pleas for repair and the presentation of a parent led petition with hundreds of signatures on it - Mr. McHenry summed up his position on all that in his Superintendent Report with a firm "I am not resigning . . . "

No, I don't think anyone thought he'd submit his resignation right there at the board meeting, but what many did expect was some acknowledgement that there is a severe problem for which he bears responsibility, or some semblance of respect for the concerns. When parents stand before you, teachers stand before you and the community stands before you with a strong message of dissatisfaction, you need to listen.

What will it take? Well for one, it seems the petition effort needs to be ongoing, as a way to educate fellow parents and to garner support for serious housekeeping at the Dent Center. Secondly, I think some of the loudest applause came when a speaker suggested that April Treece pack her bags in November.

We can't keep doing what we've been doing. Check Mr. Writer's blog for an exceptional write up on the meeting last night: HERE
And, thanks to CBS Eye on Blogs for the MENTION! We're famous today.

Thank you Doris for presenting the petition on behalf of all parents concerned with the district. You did a great job and we appreciate all of your efforts. Parents, who will be attending the next board meeting? We need to keep the issues out there, we need to continue to educate other parents.

An election is coming in November, change is in our hands.

Have you signed the petition yet? http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/MDUSD/
Its not too late.


  1. I am not resigning either!!!! In fact...the war has just begun.

    By the way, congrats on getting a mention on CBS Eye on Blogs


  2. Umm, yah Andre, you better not resign.. we need you!

  3. The audio of the meeting is now available. To listen to the most recent meeting (the whole thing or just the public comment), click HERE.

    I you want to subscribe to the podcast, go to the iTunes store and search for MDUSD.

  4. I am interested in learning more about your specific positions. It seems to me that perhaps you are not fully considering the issues. You seem to be aligned with MDEA and Gary Eberhart, both of whom I have found to lack maturity. However, I have a feeling that while I may disagree with how you present your concerns, we may not differ in our fundamental viewpoints.

  5. Anonymous? Who's position would you like to learn more about? Contact information for Paul Strange is on the site at www.MDUSD.net. Contact information for mister writer is on is site http://ccexm.blogspot.com and well, contact information for the blog writers here are above and in the side bar.

  6. Anon 5:45,

    If you were addressing your comment to me (I was the last commenter), or even if you weren't, I would be happy to talk with you. If you would like to email me, do so at paul@mdusd.net or you can call - 925-270-0857.

  7. MDEA and Eberhart lack maturity? Could you give us some specific examples that would apply to both of them?
