Monday, March 22, 2010

MDUSD board votes to eliminate jobs and hours Tuesday night

Theresa Harrington at the CCTimes has recapped the cuts the MDUSD is looking to make at Tuesday night's school board meeting. Check it out: Contra Costa Times


  1. The board did NOT resolve to cut secretary & office manager times. It seems the board "forgot" about 50 secretary-type people at the district office who were not getting any time cut at all. Only the schools were going to suffer the cuts. So they are back to the drawing board to make the cuts more equitable. Let's see the district bigwigs whine that THEIR secretaries are more important than the school office staff.

  2. Now go look at the cuts - the district secretaries lose a whole 10 days, while secretaries at the schools lose much, much more. Who will stand up for your children now?
